If it is your first time on a safari you might be unsure on what to bring along with you. Here are some of the most important things you should have with you so that you can make the most of your trip.
6. One of the most valuable items you should bring on safari is a journal. Your safari experience will be etched in your mind forever but memories fade. Keeping a journal is a brilliant way to make sure that you never forget. Keep track of the animals you see, how you feel, who you meet and your general day to day experiences will be treasures when you read it back years later.
5. An animal spotting guide it very helpful when seeing so many animals. Is really helpful to be able to distinguish what animal you are looking at.

4. Binoculars are also extremely helpful when you are in the bush and game viewing. Because animal roam freely in game reserves they are not always in viewing distance. Binoculars will help you spot and watch animals that are far away.
3. Water. This is very very important. When on safari most of the time you will be driving in very remote areas where drinking water is none existent. Bring enough water to keep you hydrated, if you are with children make sure they have their own bottles too. In summer it gets especially hot and dehydration can be deadly.
2. Insect repellent is very important. Keep mosquitoes and other bugs away will be a priority as they bites can be terribly bothersome.
Plettenberg Bay Game Reserve is malaria free area but there are parts of South Africa that are danger zones. Apply insect repellent in the day and especially at night. Burning citronella oil candles helps too keep mosquitoes and flies at bay.
1. Don't forget your camera. You will be very disappointed if you have no photos or video footage to capture special moments and the animals you come into contact with.